TADoc.org Function Index
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Acronym Description Author
ZIGZAG(4) Zig Zag Arthur A. Merrill
ZEMA(1) Zero Lag Exponential Moving Average
WWMA(4) Wilder's Moving Average J. Welles Wilder
WMA(2) Weighted Moving Average
WILLR(2) Williams %R
WCLPRICE(2) Weighted Close
WAD(1) Williams Accumulation/Distribution
VWMA(2) Volume-Weigthed Moving Average
VROC(3) Volume Rate Of Change
VOSC(2) Volume Oscillator
VOLR Volatility Ratio
VOLEV Volatility - Extreme Value Method
VOLC(1) Volatility - Chaikin's
VOL(2) Volatility - Historical
VMA(1) Variable Moving Average
VIDYA(4) Variable Index Dynamic Average Tushar S. Chande
VHF(2) Vertical Horizontal Filter
VEGA(1) Option - vega
VAR(2) Variance
VAI Volume Accumulation Index
VA(1) Volume Accumulation
ULTOSC(2) Ultimate Oscillator
UI(2) Ulcer Index
TYPPRICE(2) Typical Price
TVI(1) Trade Volume Index
TSI(3) True Strength Index William Blau
TSF(2) Time Series Forecast
TRIN(4) ARMS Index Richard W. Arms Jr.
TRIMA(2) Triangular Moving Average
TRANGE(4) True Range J. Welles Wilder
TOSC Trend Oscillator
TMA(1) Timeseries Moving Average
TII(1) Trend Intensity Index
THETA(1) Option - theta
TETHER(1) Theter Line
TEMA(2) Triple Exponential Moving Average
TDI Trend Detection Index
TD_RP(3) Tom DeMark Range Projection Thomas R. DeMark
TD_REI(4) Tom DeMark Range Expansion Index Thomas R. DeMark
TD_MA1(3) Tom DeMark Moving Average 1 Thomas R. DeMark
TD_I(3) Tom DeMark Indicator Thomas R. DeMark
TCF Trend Continuation Factor
T3(2) T3
SWMA(1) Sine-Weighted Moving Average
SWING(3) Swing Index J. Welles Wilder
STOCHRSI(4) Stochastic RSI Tushar S. Chande, Stanley Kroll
STOCHMI(3) Stochastic Momentum Index William Blau
STOCHF(3) Stochastic Oscillator Fast
STOCH(3) Stochastic Oscillator Slow
STIX(1) Short-Term Index
STDERRB(2) Standard Error Bands
STDERR(3) Standard Error
STDENV Standard Envelope
STDDEV(2) Standard Deviation
SMA(3) Simple Moving Average
SAR(4) Parabolic SAR J. Welles Wilder
SAFEZONE(1) Safe Zone
RWI(1) Random Walk Index
RVIGOR Relative Vigor Index
RVI(3) Relative Volatility Index Donald Dorsey
RSQUARED(2) R-Squared Correlation Coeficient
RSLOPE(2) Relative Slope Dimitris Tsokakis
RSI(5) Relative Strength Index J. Welles Wilder
ROCR100(2) Rate-Of-Change : (price/prevPrice)*100
ROCR(3) Rate-Of-Change : (price/prevPrice)
ROCP(3) Rate-Of-Change : (price-prevPrice)/prevPrice
ROC(3) Rate-Of-Change : ((price/prevPrice)-1)*100
RMI(2) Relative Momentum Index
RIND(1) Range Indicator
REMA(1) Regularized Exponential Moving Average
RAVI(1) RAVI TrendIndicator
QSTICK(4) Qstick indicator Tushar S. Chande
PVT(1) Price Volume Trend
PVRANK(1) Price Volume Rank
PVPT(2) Pivot Points
PVI(1) Positive Volume Index
PROSC(1) Projection Oscillator
PRBAND(1) Projection Bands
PRANGE Percent Range
PPO(2) Price Oscillator - Percentage
PO(1) Price Oscillator
PLUS_DM(4) Directional Movement (+DM) J. Welles Wilder
PLUS_DI(4) Directional Indicator (+DI) J. Welles Wilder
PGO(1) Pretty Good Oscillator
PFE(3) Polarize Fractal Efficiency Hans Hannula
PERF(1) Performance Indicator
PCMOM(1) Polychromatic Momentum
PCHANNEL(1) Price Channel
PAIN(1) Price Action Indicator
OLBI(1) Odd Lot Balance Index
ODDLSR(1) Odd Lot Short Ratio
ODDLS(1) Odd Lot Sales
ODDLP(1) Odd Lot Purchase
OBV(4) On Balance Volume Joseph Ensign Granville, B. Granville
OBOS(1) Overbought / Oversold
NVI(1) Negative Volume Index
NHLSUM(1) New Highs-Lows Cummulative
NHLR(1) New Highs Lows Ratio
NHL(1) New Highs Lows
NATR(2) Normalized Average True Range John Forman
MSR(1) Member Short Ratio
MOM(3) Momentum (price-prevPrice)
MINUS_DM(4) Directional Movement (-DM) J. Welles Wilder
MINUS_DI(4) Directional Indicator (-DI) J. Welles Wilder
MIDPRICE(1) MidPrice
MIDPOINT(1) MidPoint
MFI(3) Money Flow Index
MF(2) Money Flow
MEDPRICE(2) Median Price
MCCSI(1) McClellan Summation Index
MCCOSC(1) McClellan Oscillator
MASS(3) Mass Index Donald Dorsey
MARKETFI(3) Market Facilitation Index Bill Williams
MAOSC(1) Moving Average Oscillator
MAMA(3) MESA Adaptive Moving Average John F. Ehlers
MAENV(1) Enveloppe - Moving Average Bands
MACD(5) Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Gerald Appel
LINEARREG_SLOPE(2) Linear Regression Slope
LINEARREG_LINE(1) Linear Regression Line
LINEARREG_INTERCEPT(2) Linear Regression Intercept
LINEARREG_FORECAST(1) Linear Regression Forecast
LINEARREG_ANGLE(2) Linear Regression Angle
LINEARREG(2) Linear Regression
KVO(3) Klinger Volume Oscillator Stephen J. Klinger
KRI Kairi Indicator
KIRSHBAND(1) Kirshenbaum Bands
KELTNER(3) Keltner Channels
KAMA(1) Kaufman's Adaptative Moving Average
KALMAN(2) Kalman Filter
INERTIA(2) Inertia Indicator Donald Dorsey
HT_TRENDMODE(3) Hilbert Transform - Market Mode John F. Ehlers
HT_TRENDLINE(3) Hilbert Transform - Instantaneous Trendline John F. Ehlers
HT_SINE(4) Hilbert Transform - Sinewave Indicator John F. Ehlers
HT_QUADRA(3) Hilbert Transform - Quadrature Indicator John F. Ehlers
HT_PHASOR(3) Hilbert Transform - In-Phase Indicator John F. Ehlers
HT_DCPHASE(3) Hilbert Transform - Dominant Cycle Phase John F. Ehlers
HT_DCPERIOD(4) Hilbert Transform - Dominant Cycle Period John F. Ehlers
HPI(2) Herrick Payoff Index John Herrick
HARMONIC(1) Harmonic Mean
GAPO(1) Gopalakarishnan Range Index
GAP Gap Detection
GAMMA(1) Option - gamma
FOSC(1) Forecast Oscillator
FISHERTI Fisher Transform Inverse
FISHERT(1) Fisher Transform
FIR Finite Impulse Response Filter
FIDX(2) Force Index
FAMA(3) Following Adaptive Moving Average John F. Ehlers
EVWMA(1) Elastic Volume Weigthed Moving Average
ERAY(4) Elder RAY Alexander Elder
ERATIO Efficiency Ratio
EPMA(1) Endpoint Moving Average
EOM(1) Ease Of Movement
EMI(1) Extreme Motion Index
EMA(3) Exponential Moving Average
EFI(2) Elder Force Index Alexander Elder
DX(4) Directional Movement - Index J. Welles Wilder
DSS(2) Blau's Double Smoothed Stochastic
DPO(1) Detrended Price Oscillator
DMI(4) Dynamic Momentum Index Tushar S. Chande, Stanley Kroll
DISPARITY(3) Disparity Index Steve Nison
DIDX(1) Demand Index
DEMA(2) Double Exponential Moving Average
DELTA(1) Option - delta
CVI(3) Chaikin Volatility Indicator Marc Chaikin
CTS Counter Trend Stocks
CSI(3) Commodity Selection Index J. Welles Wilder
CORREL(4) Pearson Product Momentum Corr. Coeff. Karl Pearson
COG Center Of Gravity
CNDLMI(2) Candlestick Momentum Index William Blau
CNDL(1) CandleCode Indicator
CMO(4) Chande Momentum Oscillator Tushar S. Chande
CMF(3) Chaikin Money Flow Marc Chaikin
CHANEXIT(1) Chandelier Exit
CCI(3) Commodity Channel Index Donald Lambert
BUYP Buying Pressure
BTHRUST(1) Breadth Thrust
BOP(1) Balance of Power
BLACKSCHOLES(2) Volatility - Black-Scholes
BETA(2) Beta Coefficient
BBO(1) Bollinger Bands Oscillator
BBANDS(5) Bollinger Bands John A. Bollinger
AVGPRICE(2) Average Price
AVGDM Average Down Move
AVGDEV Average Deviation
ATR(5) Average True Range J. Welles Wilder
AT3(1) AT3 Tim Tillson
ASWING(3) Accumulation Swing Index J. Welles Wilder
AROONOSC(4) Aroon Oscillator Tushar S. Chande
AROON(4) Aroon Tushar S. Chande
APO(2) Price Oscillator - Absolute
AMA Adaptive Moving Average
ADXR(4) Directional Movement - Average Index Rating J. Welles Wilder
ADX(5) Directional Movement - Average Index J. Welles Wilder
ADRC Advancing/Declining Ratio Cummulative
ADR(1) Advancing/Declining Ratio
ADOSC(4) Accumulation/Distribution Oscillator Marc Chaikin
AD(3) Accumulation/Distribution Line
AB(4) Absolute Breadth Norman G. Fosback

Copyright 2004-2008 TicTacTec LLC. All Rights Reserved. Last Update: 03/22/08